Confirm Boundaries and Resolve Issues

Knowledge is power but ignorance often proves costly - especially in managing Title boundary risks.  Our Specialist, authoritative advice and tailored boundary assessments will add power to any due diligence process and arm you with rigorous intelligence to inform better decisions and negotiations.

We add rigour to risk assessments through robust desktop reviews and surveys of property boundaries to uncover impediments and opportunities. Our advice is clear, comprehensive and practical and will help you best position yourself to resolve boundary issues.  We are experienced and proactive in identifying and explaining often complex boundary issues to assist you to make good strategic decisions.

Every property is different with a unique set of obstacles and opportunities. Being well informed about a property, its legal land status, abuttal and access, its impediments and effective action plans will ensure risks are properly navigated and solutions are weaved seamlessly into your strategy.  We have a unique experience in dealing with all legal land status types. While the current Torrens Land Title System is well known to many, before its introduction in 1862, a more complicated land title system operated in Victoria - the old General Law system.  General Law Title (being land "Not Under the Act" or  N.U.A.) is a specialised area only understood by a few.

    We are experts in reviewing and resolving these matters and offer a range of services to deliver your desired outcomes and a risk profile of a property.  We are specialised in:

    • Desktop Reviews to identify potential issues and clarify matters
    • Survey Identification of Occupation (to identify any latent issues or to see if fenced boundaries match Title areas)
    • Title Boundary Re-establishment Surveys to confirm boundaries and extent of any excesses or shortages
    • Formal Plans and supporting survey documentation
    • Plan of Subdivision Interpretation and Advice
    • Understanding of old Strata Plan Subdivisions and dealing with their unique issues
    • Dealing with Common Property or land held by an Owners Corporation

    We are adept in this sphere and like to cut new pathways through red tape and bound the hurdles. Explore our site to learn more about what we offer.

    We'd love to get to know your boundary issues.  Please Contact Us to discuss how we can power-up your journey to achieve better outcomes.